



TCP-stream based example motor interface


class lewis.examples.example_motor.DefaultMovingState[source]

Bases: State

in_state(dt) None[source]

Handle in-state event.

Raised repeatedly, once per cycle, while idling in this state. Exactly one in-state event occurs per cycle for every StateMachine. This is always the last event of the cycle.


dt – Delta T since last cycle.

class lewis.examples.example_motor.ExampleMotorStreamInterface[source]

Bases: StreamInterface

TCP-stream based example motor interface

This motor simulation can be controlled via telnet:

$ telnet host port

Where the host and port-parameter are part of the dynamically created documentation for a concrete device instance.

The motor starts moving immediately when a new target position is set. Once it’s moving, it has to be stopped to receive a new target, otherwise an error is generated.


Returns the current position in mm.


Returns the status of the device, which is one of ‘idle’ or ‘moving’.


Returns the current target in mm.


Sets the new target in mm, the movement starts immediately. If the value is outside the interval [0, 250] or the motor is already moving, an error is returned, otherwise the new target is returned.

class lewis.examples.example_motor.SimulatedExampleMotor(override_states: dict[str, State] | None = None, override_transitions: dict[tuple[State, State], Callable[[], bool]] | None = None, override_initial_state: State | None = None, override_initial_data: dict[str, float] | None = None)[source]

Bases: StateMachineDevice


Stops the motor and returns the new target and position, which are equal