File writing callbacks

Human readable files

A callback (HumanReadableFileCallback) exists to write all documents to a separate human-readable file which contains the specified fields.

This callback will add units and honour precision for each field as well as add some metadata ie. the uid of each scan as well as the RB number, which is injected using the RB Number injection preprocessor


An example of using this could be:

def some_plan() -> Generator[Msg, None, None]:
    ... # Set up prefix, reducers, controllers etc. here
    block = block_rw_rbv(float, "mot")

    dae = SimpleDae(

    yield from ensure_connected(block, dae, force_reconnect=True)

                Path("C:\\") / "instrument" / "var" / "logs" / "bluesky" / "output_files",
            ... # Other callbacks ie. live table/plot here - you can use multiple!
    def _inner() -> Generator[Msg, None, None]:
        num_points = 3
        yield from, num_points)
        yield from bp.scan([dae], block, 0, 10, num=num_points)

    yield from _inner()

RE = get_run_engine()

This will put the block and dae.good_frames data collected over the run into a .txt file, named after the uid of the scan, in C:\instrument\var\logs\bluesky\output_files\. The data is prepended on the first event with the names and units of each logged field, and then subsequently the data for each scan separated by a newline. All of this is separated by commas, though the metadata is not.

The file also contains some other metadata such as the bluesky version, plan type etc. - these are mostly going to be used for debugging.