DAE (Data Acquisition Electronics)

The SimpleDae class is designed to be a configurable DAE object, which will cover the majority of DAE use-cases within bluesky.

This class uses several objects to configure its behaviour:

  • The Controller is responsible for beginning and ending acquisitions.

  • The Waiter is responsible for waiting for an acquisition to be “complete”.

  • The Reducer is responsible for publishing data from an acquisition that has just been completed.

This means that SimpleDae is generic enough to cope with most typical DAE use-casess, for example running using either one DAE run per scan point, or one DAE period per scan point.

For complex use-cases, particularly those where the DAE may need to start and stop multiple acquisitions per scan point (e.g. polarization measurements), SimpleDae is unlikely to be suitable; instead the Dae class should be subclassed directly to allow for finer control.

Example configurations


from ibex_bluesky_core.devices import get_pv_prefix
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.simpledae import SimpleDae
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.simpledae.controllers import RunPerPointController
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.simpledae.waiters import GoodFramesWaiter
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.simpledae.reducers import GoodFramesNormalizer

prefix = get_pv_prefix()
# One DAE run for each scan point, save the runs after each point.
controller = RunPerPointController(save_run=True)
# Wait for 500 good frames on each run
waiter = GoodFramesWaiter(500)
# Sum spectra 1..99 inclusive, then normalize by total good frames
reducer = GoodFramesNormalizer(
    detector_spectra=[i for i in range(1, 100)],

dae = SimpleDae(

# Can give signals user-friendly names if desired
controller.run_number.set_name("run number")
reducer.intensity.set_name("normalized counts")


from ibex_bluesky_core.devices import get_pv_prefix
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.simpledae import SimpleDae
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.simpledae.controllers import PeriodPerPointController
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.simpledae.waiters import PeriodGoodFramesWaiter
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.simpledae.reducers import PeriodGoodFramesNormalizer

prefix = get_pv_prefix()
# One DAE period for each scan point, save the runs after the scan.
controller = PeriodPerPointController(save_run=True)
# Wait for 500 period good frames on each point
waiter = PeriodGoodFramesWaiter(500)
# Sum spectra 1..99 inclusive, then normalize by period good frames
reducer = PeriodGoodFramesNormalizer(
    detector_spectra=[i for i in range(1, 100)],

dae = SimpleDae(


You will also need to set up the DAE in advance with enough periods. This can be done from a plan using yield from bps.mv(dae.number_of_periods, num_points) before starting the scan.

Mapping to bluesky device model

Start of scan (stage)

SimpleDae will call controller.setup() to allow any pre-scan setup to be done.

For example, this is where the period-per-point controller object will begin a DAE run.

Each scan point (trigger)

SimpleDae will call:

  • controller.start_counting() to begin counting for a single scan point.

  • waiter.wait() to wait for that acquisition to complete

  • controller.stop_counting() to finish counting for a single scan point.

  • reducer.reduce_data() to do any necessary post-processing on the raw DAE data (e.g. normalization)

Each scan point (read)

Any signals marked as “interesting” by the controller, reducer or waiter will be published in the top-level documents published when read()ing the SimpleDae object.

These may correspond to EPICS signals directly from the DAE (e.g. good frames), or may be soft signals derived at runtime (e.g. normalized intensity).

This means that the SimpleDae object is suitable for use as a detector in most bluesky plans, and will make an appropriate set of data available in the emitted documents.

End of scan (unstage)

SimpleDae will call controller.teardown() to allow any post-scan teardown to be done.

For example, this is where the period-per-point controller object will end a DAE run.


The Controller class is responsible for starting and stopping acquisitions, in a generic way.


This controller starts and stops a new DAE run for each scan point. It can be configured to either end runs or abort them on completion.

This controller causes the following signals to be published by SimpleDae:

  • controller.run_number - The run number into which data was collected. Only published if runs are being saved.


This controller begins a single DAE run at the start of a scan, and then counts into a new DAE period for each individual scan point.

The DAE must be configured with enough periods in advance. This is possible to do from a plan as follows:

import bluesky.plan_stubs as bps
import bluesky.plans as bp
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.simpledae import SimpleDae
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.block import BlockRw

def plan():
    dae: SimpleDae = ...
    block: BlockRw = ...
    num_points = 20
    yield from bps.mv(dae.number_of_periods, num_points)
    yield from bp.scan([dae], block, 0, 10, num=num_points)

The controller causes the following signals to be published by SimpleDae:

  • simpledae.period_num - the period number into which this scan point was counted.


A Reducer for a SimpleDae is responsible for publishing any data derived from the raw DAE signals. For example, normalizing intensities are implemented as a reducer.

A reducer may produce any number of reduced signals.


This normalizer sums a set of user-defined detector spectra, and then divides by the number of good frames.

Published signals:

  • simpledae.good_frames - the number of good frames reported by the DAE

  • reducer.det_counts - summed detector counts for all of the user-provided spectra

  • reducer.intensity - normalized intensity (det_counts / good_frames)

  • reducer.det_counts_stddev - uncertainty (standard deviation) of the summed detector counts

  • reducer.intensity_stddev - uncertainty (standard deviation) of the normalised intensity


Equivalent to the GoodFramesNormalizer above, but uses good frames only from the current period. This should be used if a controller which counts into multiple periods is being used.

Published signals:

  • simpledae.period.good_frames - the number of good frames reported by the DAE

  • reducer.det_counts - summed detector counts for all of the user-provided spectra

  • reducer.intensity - normalized intensity (det_counts / good_frames)

  • reducer.det_counts_stddev - uncertainty (standard deviation) of the summed detector counts

  • reducer.intensity_stddev - uncertainty (standard deviation) of the normalised intensity


This normalizer sums a set of user-defined detector spectra, and then divides by the sum of a set of user-defined monitor spectra.

Published signals:

  • reducer.det_counts - summed detector counts for the user-provided detector spectra

  • reducer.mon_counts - summed monitor counts for the user-provided monitor spectra

  • reducer.intensity - normalized intensity (det_counts / mon_counts)

  • reducer.det_counts_stddev - uncertainty (standard deviation) of the summed detector counts

  • reducer.mon_counts_stddev - uncertainty (standard deviation) of the summed monitor counts

  • reducer.intensity_stddev - uncertainty (standard deviation) of the normalised intensity


A waiter defines an arbitrary strategy for how long to count at each point.

Some waiters may be very simple, such as waiting for a fixed amount of time or for a number of good frames or microamp-hours. However, it is also possible to define much more sophisticated waiters, for example waiting until sufficient statistics have been collected.


Waits for a user-specified number of microamp-hours.

Published signals:

  • simpledae.good_uah - actual good uAh for this run.


Waits for a user-specified number of good frames (in total for the entire run)

Published signals:

  • simpledae.good_frames - actual good frames for this run.


Waits for a user-specified number of good frames (in the current period)

Published signals:

  • simpledae.period.good_frames - actual period good frames for this run.


Waits for a user-specified number of millions of events

Published signals:

  • simpledae.m_events - actual period good frames for this run.


Waits for a user-specified time duration, irrespective of DAE state.

Does not publish any additional signals.

Dae (base class, advanced)

Dae is the principal class in ibex_bluesky_core which exposes configuration settings and controls from the ISIS data acquisition electronics (DAE). SimpleDae derives from DAE, so all of the signals available on Dae are also available on SimpleDae.


The Dae class is not intended to be used directly in scans - it is a low-level class which directly exposes functionality from the DAE, but has no scanning functionality by itself.

It is intended that this object is only used directly when:

  • Configuring DAE settings within a plan.

  • For advanced use-cases, if arbitrary DAE control is required from a plan - but note that it will usually be better to implement functionality at the device level rather than the plan level.

For other use-cases, a user-facing DAE class such as SimpleDae is likely to be more appropriate to use as a detector in a scan - this class cannot be used by itself.

Top-level signals

Some DAE parameters, particularly metadata parameters, are exposed as simple signals, for example dae.title or dae.good_uah.

These signals are directly readable and settable from plans:

import bluesky.plan_stubs as bps
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.dae.dae import Dae

def plan(dae: Dae):
    current_title = yield from bps.rd(dae.title)
    yield from bps.mv(dae.title, "new title")

Period-specific signals

For signals which apply to the current period, see dae.period, which contains signals such as dae.period.good_uah (the number of good uamp-hours collected in the current period).

Controlling the DAE directly

It is possible to control the DAE directly using the signals provided by dae.controls.

The intention is that these signals should be used by higher-level devices, rather than being used by plans directly.

For example, beginning a run is possible via dae.controls.begin_run.trigger().

Additional begin_run flags

Options on begin (for example, beginning a run in paused mode) can be specified using the dae.controls.begin_run_ex signal.

Unlike the standard begin_run signal, this needs to be set() rather than simply trigger()ed, the value on set is a combination of flags from BeginRunExBits.

DAE Settings

Many signals on the DAE are only available as composite signals - this includes most DAE configuration parameters which are available under the “experiment setup” tab in IBEX, for example wiring/detector/spectra tables, tcb settings, or vetos.

The classes implemented in this way are:

  • DaeTCBSettings (dae.tcb_settings)

    • Parameters which appear under the “time channels” tab in IBEX

  • DaeSettings (dae.dae_settings)

    • Parameters which appear under the “data acquisition” tab in IBEX

  • DaePeriodSettings (dae.period_settings):

    • Parameters which appear under the “periods” tab in IBEX

To read or change these settings from plans, use the associated dataclasses, which are suffixed with Data (e.g. DaeSettingsData is the dataclass corresponding to DaeSettings):

import bluesky.plan_stubs as bps
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.dae.dae import Dae
from ibex_bluesky_core.devices.dae.dae_settings import DaeSettingsData

def plan(dae: Dae):
    # On read, settings are returned together as an instance of a dataclass.
    current_settings: DaeSettingsData = yield from bps.rd(dae.dae_settings)
    wiring_table: str = current_settings.wiring_filepath

    # On set, any unprovided settings are left unchanged.
    yield from bps.mv(dae.dae_settings, DaeSettingsData(

DAE Spectra

Raw spectra are provided by the DaeSpectra class. Not all spectra are automatically available on the base DAE object - user classes will define the specific set of spectra which they are interested in.

A DaeSpectrum object provides 3 arrays:

  • tof (x-axis): time of flight.

  • counts (y-axis): number of counts

    • Suitable for summing counts

    • Will give a discontinuous plot if plotted directly and bin widths are non-uniform.

  • counts_per_time (y-axis): number of counts normalized by bin width

    • Not suitable for summing counts directly

    • Gives a continuous plot when plotted against x directly.

The Dae base class does not provide any spectra by default. User-level classes should specify the set of spectra which they are interested in.