
Creates a readable .txt file of Bluesky runengine dataset.



Outputs bluesky runs to human-readable output files in the specified directory path.

class ibex_bluesky_core.callbacks.file_logger.HumanReadableFileCallback(output_dir: Path, fields: list[str])[source]

Bases: CallbackBase

Outputs bluesky runs to human-readable output files in the specified directory path.

Output human-readable output files of bluesky runs.

If fields are given, just output those, otherwise output all hinted signals.

descriptor(doc: EventDescriptor) None[source]

Add the descriptor data to descriptors.

event(doc: Event) Event[source]

Append an event’s output to the file.

start(doc: RunStart) None[source]

Start writing an output file.

This involves creating the file if it doesn’t already exist then putting the metadata ie. start time, uid in the header.

stop(doc: RunStop) RunStop | None[source]

Clear descriptors.